Planning a Pregnancy

Planning a Pregnancy ? Consider These Tips
With increasing stress and changes in lifestyle, younger generation is facing initial problems in conceiving. While meeting a senior gynaecologist is advised, following tips can be useful:
- Visit a gynaecologist 2 to 3 months before planning a pregnancy for Baseline tests. Any disease running in the family, of either partner, needs to be discussed. A mid-cycle ultrasound can give a clue as to whether ovulation is occurring normally
- Start folic acid supplement. Treat/ control medical disorders like, anaemia, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, asthma, diabetes, leucorrhoea, chronic cough and UTI (by drinking enough water).
- Lose weight if you are over-weight by exercising, and maintain a normal BMI. Eat a balanced diet.
- Maintain a menstrual diary, note dates of menstrual cycles for the last six months at least.
- Stop smoking, both active and passive, and alcohol consumption as they are likely causes of birth defects.
- Do not take over-the-counter medicine in the time period when trying to conceive.
- Avoid radiation exposure, (X-rays) while trying to conceive and during first three months of pregnancy
- If you are actively trying to conceive for one year and are above 30 years, consult an experienced gynaecologist.
- In cases of one or recurrent miscarriages, investigations are required.
- Try meditation/ yoga to re-main stress free and read about parenthood.
- A few tests for husband are also advised.